BSNL JTO (Junior Telecom Officer) Recruitment 2014 | last date 05-09-2014

NAVEEN NEGI | 10:11 PM | 0 comments

BSNL invites applications for JTO (Junior Telecom Officer) Recruitment 2014

Scale of Remuneration: Rs.16400- 40500/-
Eligibility Pre requisites:
Name of Position
Qualifications (As on 31/12/2013)
JTO (Electrical)
A Graduation Degree qualification in the discipline of Engineering or Technology or any equivalent degree in Electrical Engineeringawarded by a reputed Institute or University.

JTO (Telecom)
A Graduation Degree qualification in the discipline of Engineering or Technology or any equivalent degree in Computer, Electrical,Information Technology, Telecommunication, Electronics, Radio or Instrumentation awarded by a reputed Institute or University.
Restriction of Age:
Aspirants, who are looking forward to apply for this position, must make sure that they do not exceed the upper age limit 
State run telecom company Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) invites application from Indian Citizen Candidates for special recruitment drive to fillup backlog vacancies (subject to variation depending on the availability of vacancies) of JTO reserved for persons with disabilities (PWD) through recruitment of Junior Telecom Officers (JTOs) under through open competitive mode of selection.

BSNL announced notification across the country for recruitment of JTOs in Circles, Kolkata, Assam-other, Tripura-other, West Bengal-other, Chhattisgarh-other, Gujarat-other, Himachal Pradesh-other, Jammu & Kashmir-other, Meghalaya-other, Mizoram-other, Orissa-other, Rajasthan-other, Tamilnadu etc.

Post: Junior Telecom Officer (JTO).
Scale of Pay: The Junior Telecom Officer shall be appointed in the IDA pay scale of Rs.16400-40500 with annual increment @ 3% of basic pay plus HRA, Perks, Medical Benefits, LTC etc. as admissible as per company rules. The emolument at the minimum of the pay scale will be around Rs. 20500/- excluding HRA, perks, medical benefits, LTC etc.

Educational Qualifications/Eligibility Skills/Working Experience: Candidate should posses, Bachelor of Engineering (BE)/Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/University under category,
Telecommunication/Electronics/Radio/Computer/Electrical/Information Technology/Instrumentation/Industrial Electronics.

Age: The external applicant for Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) should not be more than 30 years of age on the closing date for receipt of applications. However, the upper age limit is relaxable as per standing instructions of Government of India on this subject for:
For PWD candidates upto 10 years for OC candidate; 15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC Ex-Service Men will get the benefit of age relaxation as per central government rules;
For Residents of J&K – Relaxation shall be in accordance with DoP&T’s Notification No.15012/7/1991-Estt.(D) dtd. 7.12.2007 pertaining to “Residents of State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services & Posts) Rules 1997.
For BSNL employees the upper age-limit is relaxable by upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the BSNL.
BSNL employees who are eligible to apply for the post of JTO(T) should send their applications through their controlling unit.
Govt. servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt.
Mode of Selection: This recruitment method of selection is through Open Competitive Examination. The examination will be of three hours duration with one question paper containing the following three sections Section-I: Engineering stream : 50 questions Section-II: Engineering stream : 50 questions Section-III: General Ability Test : 20 questions The Question Paper will be fully objective type with multiple options as answers to  each question. The standard of paper in engineering subjects will be that of Engineering Examination of an Indian University. However, there would be no separate time fixed for attempting the separate sections. Detailed syllabus for JTOs (Telecom), appear at Annexure ‘B’ Training and Bond : All candidates conditionally recruited shall execute Bonds in the format specified by the BSNL indicating their willingness to serve the Circle allotted and Corporation for a period of at least 5 years from the date of their appointment as JTOs. All candidates shall, before their appointment as JTOs have to successfully undergo prescribed training as per the training plan laid down and amended by the Company from time to time.

Note: Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2014

The BSNL JTO 2014 Job details here under follows:
Name of the Post/PlaceQualificationNo. of Post
JTO (J&K Circle)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college /University: i. Telecommunication, ii. Electronics, iii. Radio, iv. Computer, v. Electrical. vi. Information Technology vii. Instrumentation /Instruments Technology
02 (PWD(LI)
- 01
PWD(HI) - 01)
JTO (Tamil Nadu Telecom Circle) 
Applicant must possess as on 31/12/2014, Bachelor of Engineering/ Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering Degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college /University :i) Telecommunication  ii) Electronics iii) Radio iv) Computer v) Electrical vi) Information Technology vii) Instrumentation viii) Industrial Electronics
04 (PWD(HI) 
JTO (Electrical)
(Rajasthan Telecom Circle)
Applicant must possess as on 31/12/2014 Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institution /University
JTO (West Bengal Telecom Circle)Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering /Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university: (i) Telecommunication, (ii) Electronics, (iii) Radio, (iv) Computer, (v) Electrical, (vi) IT (Information Technology), (vii) Instrumentation. Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the 
required educational qualification by 31.12.2014
- 03
PWD(HI) - 07
JTO(Civil)/(West Bengal Circle)   Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Technology or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institution/University. Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2014PWD(HI) - 01
JTO(Electrical)/(West Bengal Circle)Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Technology or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institution /University. Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2014PWD(LI)
- 01
(Chhattisgarh Telecom Circle)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university: i. Telecommunication, ii. Electronics, iii. Radio, iv. Computer, v. Electrical, vi. IT (Information Technology), vii. Instrumentation
JTO (Assam Telecom Circle)
Applicant must possess as on 31-12-2014 Bachelor of Engineering /Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college /university:i. Telecommunication, ii. Electronics, iii. Radio, iv. C omputer, v. Electrical. vi. IT (Information Technology) vii. Instrumentation 
JTO (Gujarat  Telecom Circle)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering /Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university: i. Telecommunication, ii. Electronics, iii. Radio, iv. Computer, v. Electrical, vi. IT (Information Technology), vii. Instrumentation
PWD(HI) -01
JTO (Himachal Pradesh Telecom Circle)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering /Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university:i. Telecomunication ,ii. Electronics,iii. Radio,iv. Computer,v. Electrical,vi. Information Technology,vii. Instrumentation
05 (PWD(LI) -02, PWD(HI)-03)
JTO (Kolkata  Telecom Circle)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, the Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college /university. Telecommunication
Electronics, Radio, Computer, Electrical, Information Technology Instrumentation
LI (01), HI-06
JTO Orissa  Telecom Circle)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering /Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university: i. Telecommunication,ii. Electronics iii. Radio iv. Computer v. Electrical vi. Information vii. Instrumentation
04 (PWD(LI) -01,PWD(HI) -03)
JTO NE-I Telecom Circle (Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2014, Bachelor of Engineering /Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university: i.Telecommunication, ii. Electronics iii. Radio iv. Computer v. Electrical
04 (PWD(LI) -01,PWD(HI) -03)

Last date to submit the Application: 05-09-2014
for more details go to respected bsnl divisional website
